• Free Port, NY 11520
  • hi@ortusknights.com
  • 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM IST
  1. What types of services does Ortus Knights offer?
    • Ortus Knights offers a wide range of IT services including Website Development, Application Development, Big Data Solutions, AI Development, Cyber Securities, Graphics Designing, Cloud Software Development, Blockchain, Digital Marketing & PR, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), Threat Intelligence Services, IT Consulting, and DevOps Services.
  2. Do you require an upfront payment for your services?
    • Yes, we typically require an upfront payment or deposit before commencing work on a project. The specifics will be outlined in the contract.
  3. Will I need to provide content for my website or application?
    • Yes, while we can assist with content creation, we encourage clients to provide any specific content, branding materials, or guidelines to ensure the final product meets their expectations.
  4. Do you sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)?
    • Yes, we are willing to sign an NDA to ensure the confidentiality of your business information and project details.
  5. Is there a formal contract involved?
    • Yes, we provide a formal contract that outlines the scope of work, timelines, payment terms, and other important details to ensure clarity and mutual agreement.
  6. How do you ensure the security of our data?
    • We employ robust cybersecurity measures, including regular security assessments, compliance checks, incident response planning, and threat intelligence integration to safeguard your data.
  7. Can you integrate new solutions with our existing systems?
    • Yes, our team specializes in application integration and can seamlessly integrate new solutions with your existing systems.
  8. What is your process for handling project updates and feedback?
    • We follow a structured communication process, providing regular updates and seeking feedback throughout the project lifecycle to ensure alignment with your goals and expectations.
  9. How do you handle post-deployment support?
    • We offer comprehensive post-deployment support and maintenance services to address any issues and ensure the continued success of your solutions.
  10. What kind of cloud services do you provide?
    • Our cloud services include Cloud Software Development, Cloud Migration, Cloud Management, Big Data Solutions, AI Development, and Blockchain solutions.
  11. Do you offer customized IT solutions?
    • Yes, we provide tailored IT solutions to meet the unique needs and requirements of your business, ensuring optimal performance and alignment with your objectives.
  12. How do you approach digital marketing and PR?
    • Our Digital Marketing & PR services encompass a variety of strategies including SEO, content marketing, social media management, online reputation management, and public relations to enhance your online presence and reach your target audience effectively.
  13. What happens if legal action is taken against Ortus Knights?
    • In the event of legal action, Ortus Knights, as a subsidiary of Ekta Corporation, India, will handle the matter according to legal protocols and procedures. Clients are advised to refer to the terms outlined in the contract for dispute resolution processes.
  14. Are Ortus Knights’ projects insured?
    • Ortus Knights does not directly provide insurance coverage for projects. However, clients may opt to secure insurance for their projects independently. We can provide guidance and recommendations on insurance options if required.
  15. How does Ortus Knights handle project delays or unforeseen circumstances?
    • Ortus Knights understands that unforeseen circumstances can arise during projects. We maintain open communication with clients and proactively address any issues that may impact project timelines. Our team is committed to finding solutions and mitigating delays to ensure timely project delivery.
  16. Does Ortus Knights provide documentation and training for implemented solutions?
    • Yes, Ortus Knights provides comprehensive documentation for all implemented solutions, including user manuals, system documentation, and training materials. We also offer training sessions to ensure clients and their teams are proficient in using the newly deployed systems or applications.
  17. What measures does Ortus Knights take to ensure compliance with data protection regulations?
    • Ortus Knights adheres to strict data protection regulations and implements measures to safeguard client data. This includes compliance with GDPR, HIPAA, and other relevant regulations. We employ encryption, access controls, and data anonymization techniques to protect sensitive information and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
  18. What are the terms regarding project cancellation once the contract is initiated?
    • Once the contract is initiated, cancellation may result in forfeiture of the upfront payment or deposit. Clients are advised to review the contract terms carefully before proceeding, as cancellation may incur financial penalties.
  19. Does Ortus Knights offer ongoing support and maintenance after project completion?
    • Yes, Ortus Knights provides ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the continued success and optimal performance of implemented solutions. Our team is available to address any issues, implement updates, and provide technical assistance as needed, even after project completion.